How to Handle a Knocked-Out Tooth in Queens, NY

emergency dentist in Queens, NY

An avulsed tooth, also referred to as a knocked-out tooth is one of the most severe dental emergencies you can have. One second you are fine and the next your tooth drops out due to a sports injury, fall, or accident. However fast and proper response can significantly improve tooth retention says an emergency dentist in Queens, NY. If you end up in this situation in Queens, NY then here is a step-by-step guide on what you should do immediately to maximize your chances of being successful.

1. Stay Calm and Act Quickly

In the event of a knocked-out tooth, maintain yourself calm and proceed with the next instructions. So, time is of the essence here as the probability that the tooth will take to re-implant in its place reduces drastically after 30 minutes. Exhale, and get back to these steps.

2. Locate the Tooth and Handle with Care

Locate the tooth immediately. Handle the crown, that part of it you can see out of your mouth only when picking them up, and do not touch the root. The tooth root is omitted with fine cells required in reattachment, so if not handled properly the chance of a successful replantation may be seriously decreased.

3. Rinse the Tooth Gently

If the tooth is dirty, rinse it very gently with water or milk to clean out any dirt. Don’t scrub the tooth or use soap, which can damage the root. But do not dry the tooth or wrap it in a tissue or cloth, as you will want to keep the root moist while reattaching.

4. Attempt to Reinsert the Tooth

Ideally, the tooth should be replaced into its socket. Gently place it back in its original position and bite down a piece of gauze or clean cloth to hold the tooth fixed. If it is not an easy fit, do NOT force the tooth!

5. Keep the Tooth Moist

If it is not possible to reinsert the tooth, being essential that this remains moist. Put it in a cup of milk or, if you do not have any handy put the tooth between your cheek and gums. If milk is not available, then your saliva will work just as effectively. It is not advisable to use tap water for long because the root cells get harmed.

Seek Dental Emergency Care Right Away

While dealing with a knocked-out tooth, time is of the essence. See a Queens, New York, emergency dentist as soon as you can. If at all possible, give them a call to let them know you’re on your way. The tooth’s chances of survival are higher the sooner the dentist tries to reimplant it.

Emergency dental services in Queens NY

There are a lot of Emergency dentists in Queens who can treat dental problems like knocked-out teeth. When it does, you need to know where to go. Look for a reliable local emergency dentist ahead of an aural comeback so you can be prepared.

A knocked-out tooth is one of the most serious dental emergencies a person can experience. By taking these essential actions—remaining calm, picking the tooth up by its crown or top part only (never from the root), trying to hold it in place if you can still feel its socket and protecting your mouth—the more chances of saving a chipped-off tooth with roots. When it comes to caring for your smile after dental trauma, seeking immediate help from an experienced dentist can make all the difference in Queens NY.

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