Acute Cheek Swelling Due to Dental Issues 

dentist in Berkeley

If you notice swelling in your cheeks, it can be upsetting for many. Furthermore, it can be evident to others as well. You may also wonder what led to the swelling and what can be done about it. Residents in Berkeley are pretty responsible when it comes to their oral health. 

Therefore, seeking dental treatment on time becomes their utmost priority, as it should be for everyone else. There can be multiple causes of cheek swelling; you may have it because you got yourself injured from something or you fell while engaged in some sport. 

If you have had surgery recently, that can also result in swelling in your cheeks. However, it is not right to make assumptions about what led to the swelling; instead, it is an action time. 

It would help if you got in touch with a dentist in Berkeley to seek prompt treatment. They can tell you precisely what led to the swelling and what the possible ways to deal with it are. 

What are the common causes of cheek swelling? 

As we talked about earlier, there is no one cause of cheek swelling; depending upon where the patient was, what they were engaged in will determine the cause. Sometimes, it is seen that only one side of the face gets affected and has swelling. 

Sometimes, both sides of your face can have swelling. By assessing the symptoms for the listed causes below, the dentist will determine what led to the swelling:

  • Infection of the salivary gland:

Many of you might already know what they are; these glands are present in our mouths and are responsible for producing saliva. Parotid, sublingual, and submandibular are some of the glands that are responsible for the production of saliva in a person’s mouth. Each cheek has these glands and produces saliva. 

If salivary glands present in the oral cavity get infected, swelling can result. Sometimes, the infection might remain restricted to only one of the above-mentioned glands. However, both of them are involved; there is a term given to the infection, and it is called parotitis. 

  • Angioedema:

It is a skin reaction and can be involved in cheek swelling as well. Having certain food items or medications can trigger the reaction. If someone has angioedema, you may notice swelling in their lips, cheeks, and eyes as well. Your cheeks may turn red and even cause pain as a result. 

  • Sinus infection:

Sinusitis is a condition that can occur due to infection. There can also be an allergy or irritation. The sinus is basically a cavity filled with air. There are four pairs of sinuses in human beings. If you have had the flu or cold, it may result in the development of infection. 

However, it is likely to lessen on its own in a matter of a few weeks. While swelling to the cheeks is one of the things that a person may experience, there can also be headaches; the nose may get blocked, etc. 

What are some home remedies for swollen cheeks?

The first thing some people would go for are home remedies; here are some of the things that may prove to be helpful in dealing with swollen cheeks:

  • Try to elevate your head with the help of multiple pillows. 
  • If you think swelling was thereafter sustaining an injury, make use of a cold compressor. 

While home remedies may give you temporary relief, they should not be something you should rely on for long. Seek dental help as soon as possible. They can truly determine the cause of the swelling. 

Seek prompt dental treatment!

It is always to let professionals determine the cause and accordingly plan a treatment for it. There can be some underlying causes as well that you may not be able to detect on your own. Therefore, delaying the treatment or not seeking prompt solutions can further escalate the problem. 

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